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Inner Child / Teenage Healing

Inner Child / Teenage Healing

Ignite the spark from within side of yourself that leads to what serves your greatest and highest good. Did you know that if your inner child does not feel safe, they will outwardly project these feelings and emotions to you? 

It is important that we feel safe and lend this safety to ourselves as your inner child withholds the power to energetically align you with your highest timeline. They also withhold the power to continuously keep us in cycles that highlight our traumas, urging us to heal.

Its good to focus on our inner children. However, we tend to forget about tending to our inner teenager. Healing childhood trauma is just as important as healing your inner teenage trauma. This candle withholds the power to heal all of which is hindering the forward movement of what serves you benevolently.  

Basque in the energetic presence and essence of what it means to be upon a Fool’s journey. Claim and call back your child like wonder to resurrect the imagination amongst yourself, which many of us have lost.

Bring forth inner happiness, unlike any other, and allow for what’s best for you to occur. Watch how enthusiastic your inner child/teenager will become throughout the duration of this candle. Feel free to take a trip down memory lane as your spirit will likely do just that to ensure proper healing of hidden traumas.

Pay attention to all of which occurs around you. A heightened sense of smell may occur. You may experience sensing, feeling and or smelling familiar scents that remind you of what it meant to be you, as a kid.

Music is a very important and a key component to healing. Music withholds the power to empower and devour. Allow for your spirit to use music as a tool to usher in the healing that your spirit desires, reminding you of your earlier days. Pinpoint this timeframe, what was occurring in your life and why do you think that your inner child played the specific song for you?

Regular price $33.33 USD
Regular price $43.34 USD Sale price $33.33 USD
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